Season 1 part 4 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3  
Tribe Circus Invades the Mall - Ep.46
With Lex gone, the Mallrats begin to focus on KC's absence, and when Cloe tells what she knows, Bray realizes the terrible danger that KC will almost certainly bring them.
The Mallrats make frenetic preparation as best they can. Among the many traps and hindrances laid ready is Tai-San's net, designed to hoist aloft anyone stepping onto it, by releasing a counterweight.
The Mallrats put up a valiant fight in defense of their home. Even Salene and Zandra do what they can, using pillows to try smothering the enemy! Tai-San-San tackles Top-Hat, jumping on his back to weigh him down. He soon throws her to the floor.
When Tai-San releases her net, the counterweight rope becomes snagged. Top-Hat sniggers, and having worked out how it was meant to work, seizes an opportunity to hoist Tai-San by her own net.
Zandra forgets who the real enemy is. Here's a chance to release the rope and let Tai-San fall, possibly to her death. Amber notices the situation, and Zandra re-secures the rope.
Outnumbered, and running out of traps and stamina, the Mallrats eventually concede defeat.
Top-Hat singles Zandra out to polish his boots and keep him company while the other girls are obliged to prepare a "Victory Feast".
The girls conspire to add certain extra ingredients to the meal they are preparing for Top-Hat and his tribe, including rat dropping and various bugs!
After the meal, Top-Hat has something else on his mind for Zandra. KC watches in anguish as he drags her to the bedding store. She is the wife of his hero, Lex.

Until now KC has kept a low profile, careful to keep well out of the fight to defend the Mall. Hearing Zandra's screams changes things.
KC climbs a rope to the balcony, pulls Top-Hat off Zandra, and kicks him in the 'nuts'!
Disgusted that the Mallrats have paid him so little respect, Top-Hat leaves them to their fate behind the grille. Starvation? Setting fire to a pile of chairs and other furniture just the other side of the grille, Top-Hat answers Amber's question, "Oh don't worry, you won't starve!"
Rescue comes unexpectedly by Ebony and the Locos. While Lex was on the road he observed KC leading Tribe Circus to the Mall and sought Ebony's help. At first refusing, she finally agreed when Lex told her about the 'Antidote' from Hope Island.
Zandra sits with Ryan in a corner. She is really worried that Lex might have infected her unborn baby. Then spotting Tai-San, she heads over to pick a fight.
Zandra   This is all your fault. You told Lex he could cure himself, and wrecked my marriage. Well did you see him? Did you? Is that what you call a cure?
Tai-San   Get off my back. Who do you think you are anyway - Miss Perfect? I saw what you were going to do. Forgotten already? In the battle you were going to release the net - let me fall
Ryan   Zan...
Amber   Stop it, both of you.
Bray   Just cool off
Tai-San   You're a stupid, mindless little trollop. Lex used you, like he uses anyone who is dumb enough to let him have his way
Zandra leaves, upset, to find Lex
Amber   Well, if that's your people-skills, Tai-San, I'd stick to meditation
Zandra Divorces Lex on the Spot
Zandra finds Lex reclining on what was until recently their marital bed. He looks worse than ever, and is really pleased to see her. But she has taken on board some of what Tai-San said (plus his own confession before leaving the Mall). Now she is bitter that he first used her, before dumping her. Lex tries to talk round his admission that he married her for sex, but Zandra will have none of it, and each time he mentions Tai-San, it's like a red rag to a bull. Sick as he is, she finds it impossible to pity him. She declares a divorce and orders him out of her room.
Ebony takes what she came for, the 'Antidote', and leaves, also taking Lex (to act as guinea-pig to test it on) and Bray (to spite Amber). Amber laments that the Mallrats are in a worse state now than when they first arrived. There's no food left, although Salene breaks out her emergency stash, confident that her bulimia is banished for good.
That night all the girls sleep together in the Furniture Store. They feel safer that way. Tai-San covers the mirror to promote good energies and ward off conflict.
Lex returns to the Mall - Ep.49
At the Hotel, Ebony's new HQ, Lex is forced to swallow regular doses of the Antidote. When a chance comes to escape his cell he takes it, then confronts Ebony by the swimming pool. Powerless to stop him, she watches as he empties all the samples, one by one, into the pool. With no further use for him, Ebony has Lex thrown out onto the street.
With 'Old People' being stoned to death everywhere by the Locos, Lex jumps one of them and dons his outfit. Dressed as a Loco, Lex makes it back to the Mall. Zan takes care of him under protest. Against all expectation he makes a full recovery. This proves that the Antidote which he destroyed was genuine.
Eagle Mountain ?
Meanwhile Tai-San is having a
most extraordinary dream
Jack and Dal wake everyone up to announce an important discovery. They have found the same code number in many of the computer files from Hope Island. This turned out to be a map reference for Eagle Mountain. So of course they must go there.
The others regard the idea as crazy. Jack must be delirious from lack of sleep. Eagle Mountain is thirty miles away, and not even Jack can tell anyone what he expects to find there.
The Mallrats go grumpily back to bed.
The following morning Lex and Zandra present themselves in the Café. Lex's recovery has been remarkable, he is almost back to normal, and now he's really hungry.
With the Mallrats totally preoccupied with food (or the lack of it), Jack's continued call for an expedition to Eagle Mountain gets short shrift.
Salene and Ryan take KC on a food foraging mission. They raid a Loco storehouse and bring back enough food to stave off starvation for a while.
Tai-San comes to the balcony to report her dream. Amber pokes fun, no one is interested, except Jack. Tai-San continues. It was about a Mountain, and "A great big beautiful Eagle." The Mall falls silent.
Eagle Mountain - Ep.51-52
It's dawn. Tai-San sounds the gong. Zandra doesn't want to go to Eagle Mountain - especially now she is pregnant. Amber helps Trudy with Brady. The girls insist on taking the animals. Jack asks Tai-San satirically if she will be taking her crystal ball.
As the Mallrats leave the City behind they encounter a manned barricade erected to keep City-dwellers from spreading the Virus. Bray arrives with Ebony, driving her bus. In the skirmish that follows, Jack has his map and compass stolen.
About halfway to Eagle Mountain, the bus breaks down.
Without maps and his compass, Jack asks Tai-San for help with directions. So far she has only had repeats of the original dream.

Tai-San has new directions: "We make for between those two hills; if I'm right there will be a wooded valley which we follow for five or six miles. Then we stop and get our bearings again." Ebony sarcastically verifies that Tai-San means spiritual bearings. But as Lex says, "A spiritual path is better than no path at all."
Jack is exhausted after mile upon mile of walking steep hills and valleys. At last Tai-San signal she can see their destination. What the Mallrats find on Eagle Mountain is a satellite tracking station. But how can it help the Mallrats finds answers about the Virus?
Almost by accident, Dal initiates a tracking run, but despite a complete search of the sky it finds nothing. The Mallrats are none the wiser. What was the purpose of coming all this way? Jack is defeated, shrugging his shoulders. "Pie in the sky..." Dal announces that he intends to leave in the morning, to find that farm he always wanted. Lex and Zandra also decide to leave the tribe. Tai-San is fully committed to stay and help Jack.

Then as a satellite comes within range, the motors cut in to start tracking...
The satellite broadcasts an important message concerning the Virus and the Antidote.
Attention. This is a prerecorded message. If you are listening to this, the only hope for humanity lies with you, whoever you are. Listen very carefully to what I have to say next.
There is an antidote: all the major cities have it. There were plans for worldwide manufacture, but the virus spread too quickly. Some of us escaped; we thought we may have been spared; we haven't been. Save yourselves - find the antidote and may God go with you.
Suddenly the lights dim, and there's an alarm. Jack and Dal head toward the generator. When they get there they realize it's about to blow. A pre-recorded warning orders a complete evacuation of the building.
Ebony rejoins the sad group of Mallrats, standing by the graves of Amber and Zandra. She claims to care, to grieve with them. Even if they believed her, the Mallrats would rather be left to grieve alone.

Tai-San speaks a few words in their memory. Dal is strangely hostile:
Tai-San   We've lost two special friend; two fellow Mallrats. Amber, so focussed, so intelligent, was someone we could look up to - a natural leader. Zandra lived for pleasure, for beauty and for fun. And these are also good qualities in a person. We have learnt so much from both of them, and we have to carry these forward into the future.
Dal   What future? What's the point in carrying on?
Tai-San   I know how you're feeling, Dal. Amber meant more to you than to any of us.
Dal   You think you know so much? Why did you bring us here in the first place?
Tai-San   We've lost two special friend; two fellow Mallrats. Amber, so focussed, so intelligent, was someone we could look up to - a natural leader. Zandra lived for pleasure, for beauty and for fun. And these are also good qualities in a person. We have learnt so much from both of them, and we have to carry these forward into the future.
Dal   What future? What's the point in carrying on?
Tai-San   I know how you're feeling, Dal. Amber meant more to you than to any of us.
Dal   You think you know so much? Why did you bring us here in the first place?
Tai-San   I'm sorry?
Dal   We trusted you, Tai-San, now Amber's dead. Why didn't you see that in your crystal ball?
  part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
To be continued