Season 1 part 3 Part 1 Part 2   S2 S3 S4 S5
Patsy's Birthday - Ep.37
Amber might have chosen the Mall out of duty, but her heart is still with Sasha. For now, Amber spends most of her time alone, out of touch with everyday life. Bray has been filling in for her, keeping things going as she would want, ready for her to take over when she feels able.
With Ryan taking an interest in her, Salene has been able to resist Bulimic cravings for 10 days.
It's Patsy birthday and everyone is in party mood, except Amber who didn't know, and makes no effort to join the party now. It's good to see Salene so happy.
All that changes when Patsy comes to blow out the candle on her birthday cake. She suddenly feels old; soon the Virus will claim her, along with all her friends at the Mall. With everyone suddenly becoming depressed instead of happy, Salene relapses and makes off with Patsy's cake down to the sewers.
In Ep.38 Bray makes an effort to brighten the place up a bit. Doling out pots of paint and brushes, everyone is expected to do their bit. By far the most prominent piece of art is a mural where the stairs divide.
Unfortunately Lex spoils it all in a prearranged plan to frame Bray. While he turns the art session into a paint fight (much enjoyed by everyone except Amber), KC plants bottles of water in Bray's room, then arranges for Cloe to find them.
Bray is put on trial. Everyone knows or suspects that Lex is behind it, but Lex makes sure no one will speak up for Bray. Tai-San and Trudy prevail upon Amber to get to the bottom of the affair. In the end KC takes the rap, but before Bray can pin it squarely on Lex, Patsy walks in with a very geriatric Glen. She thinks she has found an adult. In reality she has found the Virus, now mutated so that it affects old and young alike.
Back to Roanne's / Finding Porky - Ep.39-40
As Bray's trial approaches, Lex has already threatened Jack and he is too afraid to say what he knows. Instead he urges Ryan to do the honorable thing. Ryan knows it is wrong to throw Bray out on trumped up charges, but Lex gets to him too via Zandra.
With things weighing so heavily on his mind and conscience, he has no time for Salene, and tells her not to poke her nose into things that don't concern her.
Trudy sees that Salene is upset and fears she is about to binge. With the trial about to start, Ryan guesses what Salene will do and goes after her.
Ryan catches up with Salene as she climbs over the final gate to Roanne's. Here she would have as much food as she needs at the cost of being a slave. As Ryan tries to stop her, she bites him - hard!
Ryan falls badly and knocks himself out. Salene can either go on to Roanne's or help Ryan. She helps Ryan, bathing his injured head with water from the estuary.
Now that her food cravings have subsided, Salene feels they should go back for the trial. Ryan has a better idea.
They take the scenic route back to the Mall, and along the way Ryan convinces Salene that he really does care about her, and not Zandra.
They find a stray piglet, and rather than try and find its owner they take it back to the Mall.
When they get back they hide the pig in a storeroom near the sewer entrance, to save it from becoming dinner.
They were expecting the hot news to be about Bray's trial. Instead a very old Glen calls to them from the balcony.
KC finds Salene's pig in the storeroom and hopes by presenting everyone with 'dinner', his part in framing Bray will be forgotten. KC is unable to explain Ryan's belt around its neck!
Salene donates the pig to Cloe, who names him 'Porky'.
The quarantine is short-lived. Cloe brings Patsy out and Salene is the first to hug them in approval. Zandra follows suite with Lex. It is generally agreed they must face the Virus together, and united they are sure to find answers.
The prime objective pursued by Jack, Dal, Bray and Amber is to find answers regarding the Virus. In the meantime Both Salene and Trudy are much more at ease with themselves and life in general. Glen dies within a day or two, and whilst this gives cause for reflection, and upsets Zandra deeply, the general feeling within the tribe is positive and hopeful.
Information found at the Newspaper Office and the Health Ministry leads Jack to speculate that a big research project on Hope Island that went wrong is what caused the Virus. Bray agrees that a small group must go there.
Hope Island - Ep.42-43
Bray outlines what has been learned and why he believes they should send a small expedition to Hope Island.
It is decided that Bray, Lex, Amber and Dal should go, plus Bob.
With the leaders away, the Virus is on everyone's mind. Ryan finds Salene in the Sewers, back to her old habits.
Ryan so wants to help her. He shares that he too has things to be ashamed of, like not defending Bray when he knew all along it was Lex. That does it! Salene fills in the gaps and has it out with Zandra!
Salene returns to the sewers to find Ryan for a heart-to-heart chat. They agree they like each other and make a pact to look after each other - as friends.
Not everything is peachy. KC runs amok, doing as he pleases with no one to stop him. This includes ruining Bray's mural, painting Porky with stripes, and most serious of all, getting embroiled in Poker at the notorious Casino. When he takes Porky 'for a walk' Cloe doesn't trust him and insists on going with him. Too late she realizes KC wanted Porky to trade for gambling chips. KC loses Porky, and Cloe, who has more success at roulette, tries to buy him back. No deal. KC creates a diversion, Cloe escapes with Porky, but KC is held for interrogation by Top-Hat. As a result, Top-Hat and Tribe Circus make plans to invade and trash the Mall. But that's in the future.
The leaders return from Hope Island with samples of what they hope is the Antidote. Within hours, Lex shows symptoms of the Virus but refuses to play guinea-pig. He prefers Tai-San's methods, and puts himself on trial for past wrongs, followed by exile onto the streets. Lex discovers that Tribe Circus is about to invade the Mall and seeks help from Ebony. Her immediate reaction is to refuse and lock him up. Eventually, when Ebony realizes the Virus is imminent and real, and that Lex has probably infected her, she is willing to listen. Lex tells her about the Antidote and makes a deal, in return for rescuing the Mallrats.
Invasion by Tribe Circus - Ep.46
As expected, Tribe Circus soon invades the Mall. The Mallrats put up a valiant fight, and Salene sustains a twisted ankle. As one of the invaders drags her along the floor, Ryan runs to rescue her, and Zandra swings a fire extinguisher. Unfortunately Zandra hits Ryan, not the enemy.
Eventually the Mallrats run out of booby traps and things to throw. They are defeated. The girls are forced to make a Victory Feast for their new masters, and then made to suffer various indignities. The guys are powerless, captive behind the grille.
KC saves the day, at least for Zandra. He has been skulking around, lying low and avoiding trouble from the start. Hearing Zandra's screams, he climbs up and kicks Top-Hat 'in the nuts'! Top-Hat decides to move on, leaving the Mallrats to die by roasting. (He lights a fire in front of the grille, the Mallrats are behind it).
Ebony arrives with Lex, heading a bunch of Locos. They are too late to battle Tribe Circus, but they are able to save the Mallrats' lives. They are shocked to see how rapidly Lex has aged.
Ebony takes what she came for, the Antidote. She also takes Lex (to test it on) and Bray.
The Mallrats have nothing left. Every scrap of food has gone apart from a bag of flour. Zandra gives Ryan some of her designer labels and jewelry to trade for food.
But outside people aren't trading, just taking. It's like the end of the world out there he tells Salene on his return. Maybe she would like some of Zandra's jewelry to wear, it would make her look so pretty?
Salene becomes angry, she doesn't want Zandra's castoffs.
Tai-San is alarmed to find Salene in the Café with some cans of food. Is she about to binge? No, this was Salene's emergency stash kept in the sewers. She believes her bulimia is a thing of the past and so she is now sharing what she had.
Raid on Loco Foodstore - Ep.50
Lex makes an an expected return to the Mall, dressed as a Loco, and looking older than ever. What he doesn't tell anyone is that having escaped from Ebony's cell, he poured all the Antidote into the pool. With no further use for him (as a guinea pig to test the Antidote) Ebony threw him out. He soon discovered that out on the street, the Locos were stoning to death anyone infected. His only chance was to throttle a Loco and don his outfit! Zandra reluctantly takes care of him. Most unexpectedly he starts to look not quite so old. So that Antidote was the real thing! The other topic of conversation, Jack has some crazy notion they must journey to Eagle Mountain. He found it on a map!
Food is running very low. In fact Jack hasn't eaten for three days. Lex is not well enough to go out, so that leaves Ryan. Lex volunteers KC to go with him. As they leave, Salene joins them. The guys refuse, it's too dangerous out there.
Ryan and KC run through the streets, when out pops Salene ahead of them. It looks like they are stuck with her, and she might be useful!
Their destination is a warehouse guarded by Locos.
Salene kisses Ryan before he and KC go round the back to check it out. She will keep watch at the front.
When KC gets caught, Salene turns on her female charms and pleads for her 'little brother'! Ryan creeps up behind them and finishes the job!
When they get back to the Mall with Ryan's bag stuffed full of provisions, they are amazed to see Lex looking as good as new.
As they share out the food, Tai-San comes to the balcony. She has had an amazing dream....about a mountain....and an Eagle.
Jack is stunned. Maybe now people will take seriously his belief they must journey to Eagle Mountain.
Eagle Mountain - Ep.51-52
The night before everyone is due to leave the Mall, Salene asks Ryan if he'll let her stay the night. She is apprehensive about leaving the Mall and hopes he will protect her always. Ryan of course agrees.
Until now KC has been sharing the Boutique with Ryan. We aren't told where KC sleeps this night.
Next day they all set off on foot. Outside the City they find the road barricaded against them. They are outnumbered. Bray and Ebony arrive - in a bus! With everyone on board Bray drives straight through!
Maybe half way to Eagle Mountain the bus breaks down - permanently. Salene sits with Ryan, comfortable in his company.
When they reach Eagle Mountain they find out what's there - a satellite tracking station. But how does it help them? Jack has no idea, and somehow it seems the end of the road. People start talking of going their separate ways and leaving the tribe. Ryan and Salene agree to adopt Patsy and Cloe if the tribe does indeed split up. Ryan and Salene are so acting like a couple.
A satellite passes in orbit and the antenna begins tracking. A pre-recorded message relays through the speakers.
It concerns the Antidote, the last hope for mankind. There are stockpiles to found in major cities.
With information Jack downloads from the computers, he believes they will be able to find the Antidote back in the City.
The lights dim. Jack and Dal head for the generator. It's about to blow! A pre-recorded message warns everyone to evacuate the building.
People gather around the two graves, Amber and Zandra. Ebony joins the group, the other side. The Mallrats resent her presence, and any words of sympathy seem phony. Salene and Trudy both express their feelings, leaving Ebony in no doubt they dislike and distrust her.
Salene goes back to where Bray lies unconscious, taking over from Tai-San.
It is Lex who volunteers to tell him about Amber. For he alone shares the pain of losing a loved one.
  part 1 Part 2 Part 3
To be continued