Ep.51 It's a race against time. Ram's Artificial Intelligence, who looks and acts like CGI-Zoot, has accessed something called "Project Ultimate Sanction", and is working like crazy on it...
Jack suddenly remembers that Mega once showed him a highly secret facility which he cagily described as an automated pharmaceutical lab. Jack shows Ram, Amber and Jay the way. When they peer in, they realize it's not quite as Mega described, but a facility for making biological weapons. But there's a problem with this scene!...
Goof: The window they are peering through is normally concealed behind a shutter as we saw in Ep.40. Jack doesn't have the access code.
Ep. 40: When Mega showed the bio-lab to Jack, he first entered an access code. The shutter then lifted allowing Jack to peer through the window. [Perhaps "view-portal" would be a better name ?]. There's no way Mega would have trusted Jack with the access code. He didn't trust him enough to reveal the lab's real purpose. He only wanted to impress Jack, and gain his allegiance, by pretending that he could and would solve all the world's problems and diseases through technology.