Ep.16 We are often shown establishment shots, like a street view of the Mall, or the entry arch at Liberty to show where the forthcoming scene takes place. Sometimes a sunrise or moon shot will tell us the time of day or night. This one introduces a scene at the Mall. Jay and Trudy have gone to bed but Amber is still in turmoil over the apparent strange behavior of... Jay and Trudy. She goes to see Trudy in her room and... Oh my! She never expected to see that!
But back to the establishment shot...
First we get a close-up of the moon, followed by a wide shot. The phase has changed in the blink of an eye! To show this better, the picture on the right is the wide shot with just the moon selected, unscaled, so it is 1:1 to the original. It looks near full moon, but it's hard to tell. Now click on the button to overlay the zoomed-in shot (top left pic). I've scaled it down so it's about the same size. See! It's different. The initial wide shot really is near full moon.
Amber retreats to her room and when Trudy begs to come in and explain, Amber lets her stew outside. Then another establishment shot, not that one is needed...
This one introduces a scene in Liberty. Ram waits until Lex is asleep, then goes into his room and tries to smother him with a pillow.
This looks like the moon is different again! But actually it has simply rotated. It's just possible that Cloud9 are being very clever. The Moon does appear to rotate as it circles the celestial pole. I ran an astronomy program (Redshift) set to New Zealand, and, very roughly speaking, it looks like Ram crept into Lex's room 2.5 hours after Jay and Trudy went to bed. I wonder if Cloud9 knew that.
More problems in Ep.19. It's been quite a day in Tribeland. There was a total solar eclipse at noon. Ebony witnessed Zoot's resurrection, followed minutes later by his death, shot by Mega. Actually it wasn't the real Zoot but look-alike Darryl. And he's not actually dead. But Ebony doesn't know that. Amber was seriously hurt in the melee. Ram narrowly escaped a lynch mob while visiting the City to witness the promised spectacle.
And now as events continue after dark...
Cloud9 gives us an establishment shot, the full moon, to tell us we're into nighttime.
Goof: Since we only just had a solar eclipse, the full moon isn't due for 14 days.
In Ep.20 Zoot's followers tour the City in a victory parade to celebrate Zoot's resurrection. Java is in control as usual, and Ebony is her puppet figurehead. Slade has stayed on in the City, keeping well under cover, to find out the truth behind it all. He has already found Darry, left for dead by Mega's men. Today he noticed that Ebony was out of it, as if drugged. He suspects she's being deceived and decides to call on her secretly...
After an establishment moon shot we see Slade calling on Ebony. His visit is cut short and he leaves her the way he came in - through her window. The scene continues into Ep.21. Ep.21 Immediately after the scene with Ebony and Slade there's another shot of the moon, followed by a brief scene of rampaging Zootists, and our first real insight that Salene has turned to drink. Do I need to say anything about the moon?